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Flood Situation in Kerala, India

India's Department of Posts, via UPU on August 21, reports disruptions in service, as described below:

The designated operator of India, the Department of Posts, asks us to inform the designated operators of UPU member countries that Kerala state has now been suffering severe flooding for a considerable time. Operations at Kochi International Airport are suspended until 26 August 2018. Thereafter, the flood situation will be reassessed, to determine whether airport operations can resume.

The Kochi office of exchange is unable to function normally owing to disruption of mail movements to and from the airport, as well as around the city and state.

Therefore, mails should be made up for the offices of exchange at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai rather than for Kochi for the time being.

The Department of Posts thanks designated operators for their understanding; it will provide an update via EmIS once the situation returns to normal.

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