USPS Suspends Packets to Australia
Effective Friday, Sept. 3, the Postal Service is temporarily suspending packets to Australia because of limited availability of airlift due to COVID-19 impacts in that country. Customers are asked to refrain from mailing the following services to Australia until further notice:
First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS)
Commercial ePacket (CeP)
International Priority Airmail (IPA) Packets
International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Packets
Priority Mail Express (PME), Priority Mail International (PMI) and IPA and ISAL Letters and Flats will continue to move. The suspension is on packets only. It's not yet clear if mail already tendered to USPS in the days before the suspension was announced will be sent or returned. IMAG is working to get answers. It's also unclear how long the suspension will last. Australia is one of the top destinations for outbound mail.