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IMAG Statement on UPU Extraordinary Congress Outcome

Geneva, Switzerland, September 25, 2019 —The International Mailers’ Advisory Group (IMAG), an association representing the U.S. international mailing sector, released the following statement on the outcome of the Universal Postal Union’s Extraordinary Congress in Geneva.

IMAG is pleased that the Universal Postal Union (UPU) was able to find a solution to achieve global remuneration reform that allows the United States to remain in the UPU, a 144-year old organization of which the United States was a founding member. By remaining in the UPU, the United States retains its important leadership role in the global postal system. Mailers and shippers will see no interruption in service through the critical holiday season and beyond.

About IMAG

The International Mailers Advisory Group’s core mission is to address barriers to the efficient flow of information and goods across borders. The association monitors developments worldwide to identify impediments and then works toward removing them to ensure smooth delivery of international mail and packages. IMAG represents a diverse community of consolidators, marketers, vendors, and international mailing organizations.

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